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Legend (Story_Maps/SOE_StoryMap)

Level 1 (0)
B - Central Dry Lowlands B - Central Dry Lowlands
E - Central Dry Foothills E - Central Dry Foothills
F - Central hill country and volcanic plateau F - Central hill country and volcanic plateau
I - Central poorly - drained recent soils I - Central poorly - drained recent soils
J - Central well - drained recent soils J - Central well - drained recent soils
K - Central upland recent soils K - Central upland recent soils
L - Southern Lowlands L - Southern Lowlands
M - Western South Is recent soils M - Western South Is recent soils
N - Eastern South Is plains N - Eastern South Is plains
O - Western South Is foothills and Stewart Is O - Western South Is foothills and Stewart Is
P - Central Mountains P - Central Mountains
Q - Southeastern hill country and mountains Q - Southeastern hill country and mountains
R - Southern Alps R - Southern Alps
T - Permanent snow and ice T - Permanent snow and ice
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