type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Coastal Marine Area boundary and the landward boundaries of Hazard Zones 1 and 2 within the Canterbury Region as shown in the Canterbury Regional Coastal Environment Plan 2005.
The Coastal Marine Area Boundary (CMA) along the line of Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) is indicative only. Environment Canterbury has defined Hazard Zones along the Region’s coast. Two zones are defined:
Hazard Zone 1 - This is a zone delimited by a line approximately parallel with the
shoreline, set inland from mean high water mark springs, which contains the current active beach system and land that is at risk from coastal erosion within 50 years of this Plan being produced.
Hazard Zone 2 - This is inland from Hazard Zone 1, and marks land that is at risk from coastal erosion in the period 50 to 100 years of this Plan being produced.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: This layer shows lengths of Canterbury Rivers that are deamed as a significant spawning sites for salmon. Based from Schedule WQN14 Chapter 5 of the NRRP.Grid References were converted to NZTM2000 to make upstream and downstream extent markers. LINZ NZTopo50 River data was used as a basis to create this feature class.As a number of sites do not have an upstream map reference and instead have a contour that indicates the upper extent of the spawning area. The reason for this is that these streams generally include several tributaries and all are significant. The reference to the contour is intended to capture all tributaries feeding into the stream above its lower reference point.
Description: Intended UseThe Groundwater Allocation Zones layer collates zones for regulating groundwater use as defined in the Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) and various regional plans. This includes groundwater allocation zones, groundwater management zones, and combined surface water and groundwater zones. Layers were digitised to cadastral accuracy (1:10,000 scale), but recommended use is at the 1:50,000 scale or smaller.For further information on plans and associated planning boundaries, please visit and InformationSpatial IDs: ObjectID, GeoPK, GeoCat, GeoIDZone Names: Zone Name, LabelPlan Name:LWRP - Canterbury Land and Water Regional PlanHWRRP - Hurunui and Waiau River Regional PlanPCEFWARP - Pareora Catchment Environmental Flow and Water Allocation Regional PlanWCEFWARP - Waipara Catchment Environmental Flow and Water Allocation Regional PlanWCWARP - Waitaki Catchment Water Allocation Regional PlanZone Status: Operative - operative plan holding legal bearingProposed-Notified - publicly notified proposed planProposed-Decision - hearing decision version of the proposed planZone Type:Groundwater Allocation Zone - plan applies groundwater allocation limitsGroundwater Management Zone - plan applies allocation and quality limits to Christchurch Groundwater Protection ZoneCombined Allocation Zone - plan applies allocation limits to both surface water and groundwaterNo Groundwater Allocation Zone - aggregate of areas not yet assigned groundwater allocation zonesGIS Metadata Fields: Sourcecode, QARCode, CreatedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDateGIS Shape Fields: Perimeter_M, Area_M2, Area_HA, Shape, Shape.STArea(), Shape.STLength()
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 150
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Catchments as defined for the Canterbury Natural Resources Regional Plan which are sensitive to the effects that forestry has on water yields.
Description: Water management units and water quality classes(Refer Chapter 4: Schedule WQL1 and Rules WQL1, WQL4, WQL7, WQL8, WQL21, WQL48)Water management units have been developed for all river and lakes outside the natural state areas, excluding rivers and lakes covered by the operative allocation regimes. For lakes the management units are based on the location of the lake in either high country or coastal areas, with separate units for artificial lakes either on a river or off river.Water quality and bed substrate outcomes for each management unit are set out in the tables in Objective WQL1. The outcomes take into account geology and location of the river or lake and other influences on water quality such as land use and the contribution from tributaries.Major lake and pond featrues that have been classified as part of the River Environment Classification by NIWA. Modified by ECAN to include some reclassified units. Features were classifed as part of The Natural Resources Regional Plan for bother Water Quality, and Lake Type. Water quality classes have been defined for all rivers and lakes in the Canterbury region, excluding the areas covered by the operative allocation regimes and water conservation orders. Each water quality class contains standards for water quality that are to be achieved for a point source discharge into a river or lake, after mixing of the discharge with the receiving water, in a defined zone. The rivers and lakes of the Canterbury region have been grouped into different types that have similar physical and hydrological characteristics
Description: Water management units and water quality classes(Refer Chapter 4: Schedule WQL1 and Rules WQL1, WQL4, WQL7, WQL8, WQL21, WQL48)Water management units have been developed for all river and lakes outside the natural state areas, excluding rivers and lakes covered by the operative allocation regimes. For lakes the management units are based on the location of the lake in either high country or coastal areas, with separate units for artificial lakes either on a river or off river.Water quality and bed substrate outcomes for each management unit are set out in the tables in Objective WQL1. The outcomes take into account geology and location of the river or lake and other influences on water quality such as land use and the contribution from tributaries.Major lake and pond featrues that have been classified as part of the River Environment Classification by NIWA. Modified by ECAN to include some reclassified units. Features were classifed as part of The Natural Resources Regional Plan for bother Water Quality, and Lake Type. Water quality classes have been defined for all rivers and lakes in the Canterbury region, excluding the areas covered by the operative allocation regimes and water conservation orders. Each water quality class contains standards for water quality that are to be achieved for a point source discharge into a river or lake, after mixing of the discharge with the receiving water, in a defined zone. The rivers and lakes of the Canterbury region have been grouped into different types that have similar physical and hydrological characteristics
Description: Public Conservation Land ("DOC Estate") for the South Island. Supplied by DOC Canterbury March 2009.
National Conservation Unit dataset. Nationally compiled dataset containing geospatial definitions of DOC management units (conservation units) defined by various acts of parliament and legislation.
The national conservation unit featureclass is integrated with the Department's national land register to provide textual descriptions of land administered by the Department.
Geospatial definition of Land administered by the Department of Conservation under legislation, and/or Land of interest to the Department.
Description: The Coastal Confined Gravel Aquifer System is a relatively narrow band of confined gravel aquifers, situated near the coast between the Ashley and Rakaia rivers, bounded by the coastal marine area, Banks Peninsula, and on
the western side by the line where sediments in the overlying confining layer are three metres thick. The aquifer system consists of at least five permeable gravel layers containing water (aquifer), separated by relatively impermeable layers of sediments (confining layers). Recognisable surface features have been used to
approximate the natural boundary because the latter is not obvious at the ground surface.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: State of Environment (SOEM) Management Zones for water charging.
Previously called Water Management Accountability Zones proposed and defined by Bryan Jenkins, Chief Executive, ECan 5 Dec 2008.
Digitised from a mixture of main catchments, groundwater allocation and surface water allocation zones.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: NAME, length: 25
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: NAME, length: 25
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Variation 4 to the proposed Canterbury Land & Water Regional Plan has been developed to address implementation issues and other resource management matters identified following the decisions on the Land & Water Regional Plan. Changes to the Land & Water Regional Plan proposed as part of Variation 4 apply throughout the Canterbury region. In areas where a sub-regional plan has been developed (for example, Selwyn Te Waihora, Hinds Plains, South Canterbury Coastal Streams) any changes to the policies, rules and schedules made by Variation 4 will have effect unless the sub-region has developed its own specific provisions.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 150
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 150
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: State of Environment (SOEM) Management Zones for water charging.
Previously called Water Management Accountability Zones proposed and defined by Bryan Jenkins, Chief Executive, ECan 5 Dec 2008.
Digitised from a mixture of main catchments, groundwater allocation and surface water allocation zones.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: State of Environment (SOEM) Management Zones for water charging.
Previously called Water Management Accountability Zones proposed and defined by Bryan Jenkins, Chief Executive, ECan 5 Dec 2008.
Digitised from a mixture of main catchments, groundwater allocation and surface water allocation zones.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 50
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: State of Environment (SOEM) Management Zones for water charging.
Previously called Water Management Accountability Zones proposed and defined by Bryan Jenkins, Chief Executive, ECan 5 Dec 2008.
Digitised from a mixture of main catchments, groundwater allocation and surface water allocation zones.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...