Name: Canterbury Fault Awareness Areas and Fault Avoidance Zones 2024
Display Field: Name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The fault awareness areas and fault avoidance zone sshow areas where there may be a surface fault rupture hazard. Surface fault rupture is the permanent breaking, ripping, buckling or warping of the ground on or near the line where a fault meets the ground surface, as a result of an earthquakeon the fault. It is different from earthquake shaking.The fault awareness areas are derived from faults mapped at a broad scale of 1:250,000 for Environment Canterbury by GNS Science between 2009 and 2019: Kaikoura (2015, updated 2019), Hurunui (2012), Waimakariri (2013, updated 2019), Selwyn (2013), Ashburton (2009), Timaru (2017), Mackenzie (2010), Waimate (2017) and Waitaki (2017). There is no dataset for Christchurch City as there are no known earthquake faults at the ground surface in the Christchurch City or Banks Peninsula area.This dataset has been created as recommended in Barrell, et al, 2015, Guidelines for using regional-scale earthquake fault information in Canterbury. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2014/211. A 125m or 250m buffer was placed around the mapped fault traces to create this polygon dataset, depending on how certain the fault is, and how well expressed it is at the ground surface. Definite (well expressed and moderately expressed) fault and monocline records and likely (well expressed and moderately expressed) fault and monocline records have a 125m buffer, recognising that the mapped location of the fault is fairly well constrained and is reasonably close the actual location. All other faults and monocline records have a 250m buffer, recognising the the mapped location is not as well constrained. See Barrell, et al, 2015 for a full description of the method used to create this polygon dataset, and recommended actions for each type of area.The fault avoidance zones are derived from more detailed fault mapping (generally 1:10,000 or better, using LiDAR) undertaken between 2004 and 2024 for faults closer to populated areas where more detailed mapping is needed for land use planning. These include: several faults in Kaikoua, the Hanmer Fault (Hurunui District), Ashley Fault (Waimakariri District), Greendale Fault (Selwyn District) and the Ostler Fault (Mackenzie District). Descriptions of the attribute fields:Name: Fault name, generally taken from the district fault name field (e.g. KDC_name) in the district fault datasets or the fault name in the fault avoidance zone datasets. Some of these have been changed or updated from the original district fault names to make them consistent with fault names in neighbouring districts.Zone:Fault zone that the fault is within, if any.Certainty:The level of confidence that the mapped feature is in fact an active earthquake fault - definite, likely or possible. See Barrell, et al, 2015 for full descriptions.Surface form:How clearly the mapped feature can be seen at the ground surface - well expressed, moderately expressed, not expressed or unknown. See Barrell, et al, 2015 for full descriptions.Min RI:Minimum fault recurrence interval, taken from the summary table of each district fault report, or updated with more recent information.Max RI:Maximum fault recurrence interval, taken from the summary table of each district fault report, or updated with more recent information.Min RI Class:Minimum fault recurrence interval class (as defined in Kerr, et al, 2003, Guidelines for development of land on or close to active faults), taken from the summary table of each district fault report, or updated with more recent information. Some values have been changed to better match the minimum fault recurrence interval.Max RI Class:Maximum fault recurrence interval class (as defined in Kerr, et al 2003, Guidelines for development of land on or close to active faults), taken from the summary table of each district fault report, or updated with more recent information. Dom sense:Dominant sense of movement on fault - dextral (strike-slip), sinistral (strike-slip), reverse, thrust or normal. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Sub sense:Secondary sense of movement on fault - dextral (strike-slip), sinistral (strike-slip), reverse, thrust or normal. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Down quad:Which side of the fault has gone down relative to the other side. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.District:District that fault is within.Buffer: Whether a 125m or 250m buffer has been applied to the fault to create the fault awareness area as per Barrell, et al, 2015. Or the buffer distance used for fault avoidance zonation.Poly_type: Whether the polygon is a fault awareness area or a fault avoidance zone, as described above.Date: Year the information was created.Report: Report that accompanies the information.Author: The organisation that created the information.Complexity: The complexity of fault deformation within a fault avoidance zone (for fault avoidance zones only).Base_data: The original dataset that the fault awareness area or fault avoidance zone is based on.Base_scale: The scale at which the fault mapping was originally undertaken.Rept_link: Hyperlink to accompanying report.
Copyright Text: Created by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, March 2024, based on individual fault datasets compiled 2004-2024.
Description: The fault awareness areas show areas where there may be a surface fault rupture hazard. Surface fault rupture is the permanent breaking, ripping, buckling or warping of the ground on or near the line where a fault meets the ground surface, as a result of movement on the fault. It is different from earthquake shaking.This dataset has been compiled from individual district fault datasetsand reportsdeveloped for Environment Canterbury by GNS Science between 2009 and 2017: Kaikoura (2015), Hurunui (2012), Waimakariri (2013), Selwyn (2013), Ashburton (2009), Timaru (2017), Mackenzie (2010), Waimate (2017) and Waitaki (2017). There is no dataset for Christchurch City as there are no known earthquake faults at the ground surface in the Christchurch City or Banks Peninsula area.This dataset has been created as recommended in Barrell, et al, 2015, Guidelines for using regional-scale earthquake fault information in Canterbury. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2014/211. A 125m or 250m buffer was placed around the mapped fault traces to create this polygon dataset, depending on how certain the fault is, and how well expressed it is at the ground surface. Definite (well expressed and moderately expressed) fault and monocline records and likely (well expressed and moderately expressed) fault and monocline records have a 125m buffer, recognising that the mapped location of the fault is fairly well constrained and is reasonably close the actual location. All other faults and monocline records have a 250m buffer, recognising the the mapped location is not as well constrained. See Barrell, et al, 2015 for a full description of the method used to create this polygon dataset, and recommended actions for each type of area.This dataset does not include mapped fault ruptures from the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake (where the fault was not previously mapped). The dataset will be updated in the coming years with the mapped fault ruptures.More detailed mapping has been undertaken for the Hope Fault (Mt Lyford), Hanmer Fault (Hanmer Springs), Ashley Fault (Ashley), Greendale Fault (Selwyn District) and the Ostler Fault (Twizel). These more detailed datasets should be used in these areas.Descriptions of the attribute fields:Name: Fault name, taken from the district fault name field (e.g. KDC_name) in the district fault datasets. Some of these have been changed from the original district fault names to make them consistent with what is given in the district fault report.Zone:Fault zone that the fault is within, if any.Certainty:The level of confidence that the mapped feature is in fact an active earthquake fault - definite, likely or possible. See Barrell, et al, 2015 for full descriptions.Surface form:How clearly the mapped feature can be seen at the ground surface - well expressed, moderately expressed, not expressed or unknown. See Barrell, et al, 2015 for full descriptions.Min RI:Minimum fault recurrence interval, taken from the summary table of each district fault report.Max RI:Maximum fault recurrence interval, taken from the summary table of each district fault report.Min RI Class:Minimum fault recurrence interval class (as defined in Kerr, et al, 2003, Guidelines for development of land on or close to active faults), taken from the summary table of each district fault report. Some values have been changed to better match the minimum fault recurrene interval.Max RI Class:Maximum fault recurrence interval class (as defined in Kerr, et al 2003, Guidelines for development of land on or close to active faults), taken from the summary table of each district fault report. Type:Whether the mapped feature is a fault (fault reaches the ground surface) or a monocline (fault stops below the ground surface but forms a fold in the ground surface).Accuracy:Accuracy of the mapped line - accurate, approximate, concealed, or inferred. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Dom sense:Dominant sense of movement on fault - dextral (strike-slip), sinistral (strike-slip), reverse, thrust or normal. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Sub sense:Secondary sense of movement on fault - dextral (strike-slip), sinistral (strike-slip), reverse, thrust or normal. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Dip dir:Compass direction of the dip on the fault. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Dip:Angle of dip of fault from horizontal. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Down quad:Which side of the fault has gone down relative to the other side. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Trend:Compass direction of the fold axis. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.Facing:Compass direction of fold younging. Kept from the 1:250,000 GNS Science QMAP series fault attributes, where given.District:District that fault is within.Buffer m:Whether a 125m or 250m buffer has been applied to the fault to create the fault awareness area as per Barrell, et al, 2015.
Copyright Text: Created by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, February 2018, based on individual district fault datasets compiled 2009-2017.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Copyright Text: Fault Avoidance Zones were developed for Kaikoura District and documented in Litchfield NJ, Morgenstern R, Van Dissen RJ, Langridge RM, Pettinga JR, Jack H, Barrell DJA, Villamor P 2018. Updated assessment of active faults in the KaikÅura District. GNS Science consultancy report 2018/141.
Description: Mapped fault ruptures associated with the 14 November 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikoura earthquake. Extracted from the New Zealand Active Fault Database, maintained by GNS Science, with a 50m buffer applied. Attribute descriptions are provided in Langridge, et al, 2016, The New Zealand active faults database: NZAFD250.New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 59(1).
Copyright Text: 2016 fault ruptures mapped by GNS Science, University of Canterbury, Victoria University of Wellington, NIWA, and overseas colleagues, 2016 and 2017.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: The surveyed location of the Hanmer Fault through Hanmer Springs township. Collected by Mark Yetton, Geotech Consulting Ltd, and Helen Grant, Environment Canterburyusing differential GPSin 2004. Accurate to +/- 5 metres.Note that the original dataset also included two small parallel inferred fault traces to the north of the main trace in the Queen Mary Hospital site. During fault investigations in the area by GNS Science and Tonkin & Taylor in 2008 these were found to be man-made features. These fault traces have been removed from this dataset.
Copyright Text: Created by Helen Grant, Environment Canterbury, 2004.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Name: Hanmer Fault Natural Hazard Area Hurunui District Plan 2003
Display Field: Id
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Hanmer Fault Natural Hazard Area as shown in the Hurunui District Plan. This natural hazard area encompasses the mapped fault scarps/areas of deformation associated with the Hanmer Fault plus a 20 metre buffer either side. The fault scarps were mapped from aerial photos by Geotech Consulting Ltd in 1993. Accompanying report is Yetton, M., 1993, Active Fault and Landslide Hazard Assessment in Hanmer and Cheviot.Report prepared for Hurunui District Council by Soils and Foundations, Ltd, Christchurch, 31 July 1993.Hurunui District Council has placed restrictions on development within the Hanmer Fault Natural Hazard Area as outlined in the Hurunui District Plan. Contact Hurunui District Council for requirements for development in this area.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: There are eight main data fields. The first five are based directly on those from the GNS Science 1:250,000 scale geological map (QMAP) 'Faults' data structure. The last three are based directly on the Waimakariri District generalised active faults dataset (Barrell & Begg 2013; GNS Science Consultancy Report 2012/326; Environment Canterbury Report No. R13/28. This faults dataset supersedes that of Barrell & Begg (2013) in the area covered by this dataset.'ACCURACY' provides a qualitative indication with which the fault trace is mapped, via one of fourattributes; 'accurate' (fault trace is marked by a well defined surface scarp), 'approximate' (the fault trace lies somewhere in the general vicinty of the mapped line, but its exact location is uncertain), 'concealed' (any pre-existing fault scarp has been removed by erosion, or the fault trace has been buried beneath sediments that are younger than the most recent movement), 'inferred' (the presence of the fault is hypothesised based on various geological or landform considerations, but there is no direct evidence known for its actual presence at that location).'DOM_SENSE' is the estimated predominent sense of fault movement ('reverse', 'normal' or 'strike-slip').'SUB_SENSE' is the estimated subordinate sense of fault movement ('reverse', 'normal' or 'strike-slip').'DOWN_QUAD' is the directional quadrant towards which the fault displays relative down-throw, based on compass points N, S, E, W, or a combination of two adjacent directions.'SHAPE_LEN' is the length of the mapped line in metres.'WDC_name' is the assigned name of the fault feature, and corresponds to the names used in the Barrell & Begg (2013) dataset.'Certainty' indicates whether the fault represented by the line is 'definite', 'likely' or 'possible', as defined in the Barrell & Begg (2013) report.'Surf_form' provides an assessment of whether or not the fault represented by the line is 'well expressed', 'moderately expressed' or 'no expressed', as defined in the Barrell & Begg (2013) report.This dataset was compiled for presentation at a scale of 1:35,000 in the report, but the data were captured at more detailed scales.The lines representing the faults were mapped on-screen, at a scale of approximately 1:5,000. The locations of the fault lines where the fault is classified as 'well expressed' are considered to be accurate to +/- 10 m at best on the younger river terraces (Okuku Terrace 3/Makerikeri Terrace 2 and younger), but are no better than +/- 20 m on older terrace or hill landforms.There is lesser accuracy for lines that are classified as 'moderately expressed' or 'not expressed'. Users should obtain guidance from the Ground Deformation Classification map dataset as to the likely accuracy of the fault lines dataset coverage. Accuracy will be greatest close to mapped fault scarps, and increasingly less accurate the farther one is from a mapped scarp. Accompanying report is Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77.
Copyright Text: Mapping by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2014.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: There are seven main data fields. The first four are based directly on those from the GNS Science 1:250,000 scale geological map (QMAP) 'Folds' data structure. The last three are based directly on the Waimakariri District generalised active faults dataset (Barrell & Begg 2013; GNS Science Consultancy Report 2012/326; Environment Canterbury Report No. R13/28. This folds dataset supersedesthat of Barrell & Begg (2013) in the area covered by this dataset.'ACCURACY' provides a qualitative indication with which the fold axis is mapped, via one of two attributes; ''approximate' (the fold axis is located somewhere within the general vicinty of the mapped line), 'inferred' (the presence of the fold axis is hypothesised based on various geological or landform considerations, but there is no direct evidence known for its actual presence at that location).'TYPE' specifies the nature of the mapped fold ('monocline', 'anticline' or 'syncline').'FACING' is a characteristic that applies only to monoclines, and denotes the directional quadrant towards which the monocline is down-warped, based on compass points N, S, E, W, or a combination of two adjacent directions.'SHAPE_LEN' is the length of the mapped line in metres.'WDC_name' is the assigned name of the fault to which the fold is related, and corresponds to the names used in the Barrell & Begg (2013) dataset.'Certainty' indicates whether the fold represented by the line is 'definite', 'likely' or 'possible', as defined in the Barrell & Begg (2013) report.'Surf_form' provides an assessment of whether or not the fold represented by the line is 'well expressed', 'moderately expressed' or 'no expressed', as defined in the Barrell & Begg (2013) report.This dataset was compiled for presentation at a scale of 1:35,000 in the report, but the data were captured at more detailed scales.Lines representing folds were mapped at ~1:5,000 scale. The mapped fold axis lines are less precise than the fault lines because the fold scarps or arches are less clearly defined in the landscape than the fault scarps. Lines representing monoclines are considered to be accurate to +/- 20 m at best, while syncline or anticline axis positions are considered to be accurate to +/- 40 m at best. Accompnaying report is Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77.
Copyright Text: Mapping by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2014.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Name: Ashley Fault Zone landform feature lines 2014
Display Field: ACCURACY
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: There are two main data fields. 'ACCURACY' identifies the basis on which the line was mapped; 'schematic' (where the landform feature is sharply defined in a topographic sense, and thus the line denotes the general presence of a feature, not an exact location) and 'approx-lidar' (the feature is identifiable topographically in lidar data, but it is not mapped in fine detail). 'TYPE' identifies the nature of the mapped feature; only two types of feature are mapped, 'edge high ground' (indicating the crest of a slope between higher ground and lower ground), and 'terrace edge' (the approximatelocation of a step between a higher and a lower river terrace). The line is positioned at about the lower side of the step.Thisdatasethasbeen compiled for presentation at a scale of 1:35,000, but the data were captured at more detailed scales. The landform feature lines were mapped on-screen at a scale of approximately 1:10,000, and are considered to be accurate to about +/- 30 m. The accompanying report is Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77(Figure 2).
Copyright Text: Mapping by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2014.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: TYPE, length: 16
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: FID
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Name: Ashley Fault Zone geomorphologic map units 2014
Display Field: Fault_name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: There are four maindata fields:'AREA' gives the extent of each polygon in square metres. 'ACCURACY' identifies the basis on which the polygon was mapped, such as 'lidar', and whether interpretation was aided by examination in the 'field', or using 'satellite imagery'.'TYPE' classifies the polygon according to landform unit name, as outlined in Tables 1, A1-1 and A1-2 of the report.'Fault_name' identifies the fault with which a tectonic landform (e.g., 'fault/fold scarp') is associated.This dataset was compiled for presentation at a scale of 1:35,000 in the report, but the data were captured at more detailed scales. The geomorphologic map units were drawn on-screen at a scale of approximately 1:10,000, except for tectonic landform map units, which were mapped at ~1:5,000 scale. Locations of the boundaries of the map unit boundaries are considered to be accurate to about +/- 30 m, apart from the tectonic landform unit boundaries, which are considered to be accurate to +/- 10 m at best on the younger river terraces (Okuku Terrace 3/Makerikeri Terrace 2 and younger), but are no better than +/- 20 m on older terrace or hill landforms.The accompanying report is Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77 (Figure 2).
Copyright Text: Mapping by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2014.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: There are five main data fields. 'AREA' gives the extent of each polygon in square metres. 'ACCURACY' identifies the basis on which the polygon was mapped, such as 'lidar', and whether interpretation was aided by examination in the 'field', or using 'satellite imagery'or Google Earth Street View (SV).'TYPE' defines the polygon according to the ground deformation classification set out in Table 2 of the accompanying report.'Fault_name' identifies the fault with which the ground deformation unit is associated.'Vert_offset' provides a general estimate of the amount of vertical deformation (if present, or if quantificable) associated with the map unit. This dataset was compiled for presentation at a scale of 1:35,000 in the report, but the data were captured at more detailed scales.The ground deformation classification map dataset is derived from the geomorphologic map unit dataset, and its accuracy is the same as for the geomorphologic map. The geomorphologic map units were drawn on-screen at a scale of approximately 1:10,000, except for tectonic landform map units, which were mapped at ~1:5,000 scale. Locations of the boundaries of the map unit boundariesare considered to be accurate to about +/- 30 m, apart from the tectonic landform unit boundaries, whichareconsidered to be accurate to +/- 10 m at best on the younger river terraces (Okuku Terrace 3/Makerikeri Terrace 2 and younger), but are no better than +/- 20 m on older terrace or hill landforms. Accompnaying report is Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77(Figure 5).
Copyright Text: Mapping by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2014.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: There are four maindata fields. 'AREA' gives the extent of each polygon in square metres. 'Feature' identifies the fault deformation hazard/Fault Avoidance Zonation unit type, based largely on the 'TYPE' field in the Ashley Fault Zone ground deformation dataset. 'FAZ_class' identifies the category of fault complexity, as set out in Table 2 of theaccompanyingreport.'NAME' identifiesthe fault or other landform unit with which the FAZ unit polygon is associated.This dataset was compiled for presentation at a scale of 1:35,000 in the report, but the data were captured at more detailed scales.The dataset is derived from the Ashley Fault Zone ground deformation dataset. Accuracy of the polygon boundaries is the same as for the geomorphologic map unit dataset. The geomorphologic map units were drawn on-screen at a scale of approximately 1:10,000, except for tectonic landform map units, which were mapped at ~1:5,000 scale. Locations of the boundaries of the map unit boundaries are considered to be accurate to about +/- 30 m, apart from the tectonic landform unit boundaries, which are considered to be accurate to +/- 10 m at best on the younger river terraces (Okuku Terrace 3/Makerikeri Terrace 2 and younger), but are no better than +/- 20 m on older terrace or hill landforms.Accompanying report is Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77(Figure 7).
Copyright Text: Mapping by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2014.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Name, length: 36
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Extent of the Ashley Fault Avoidance Zones. Areas of well-defined and distributed deformationhave a20 m buffer applied as per the Ministry for the Environment guidelines. Areas of uncertain and extended deformation were considered by the report authors to not have been mapped precisely enough to warrant assigning a 20 metre buffer. The joins between the well-defined and distributed deformation (with 20 m buffer) and the uncertain and extended deformation (without 20 m buffer) have been manually adjustedslightlyto smooth out any sharp edges. The well-defined and distributed deformation areas (with 20 m buffer) have also been clipped out of adjacent uncertain or extended deformation areas.'Feature' is the type of ground deformation present.'FAZ_class' is the category of fault complexity, set out in Table 2 of the accompanying report, and following the MfE active fault guidelines.'NAME' is the fault or other landform unith that the deformation is associated with.'BUFF_DIST' is the width of the added buffer (20 m on well-defined or distributed deformation, 0 m on uncertain and extended deformation). The data were captured at a scale of 1:5,000 to 1:10,000.
Copyright Text: Created by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, April 2020 for the Waimakariri District Plan review. Based on mapping and data in Barrell, D. J. A.; Van Dissen, R. J. 2014. Assessment of active fault ground deformation hazards associated with the Ashley Fault Zone, Loburn, North Canterbury, GNS Science Consultancy Report 2013/173 / Environment Canterbury Report No. R14/77.
Description: Mapped surface fault ruptures of the Greendale Fault during the September 2010 Mw7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake. Features are described as faults, fault scarps or suspected faults; broad scarps; or broad folds.Accompanying report is Villamor, P., Barrell, D., Litchfield, N., Van Dissen, R., Hornblow, S. and Levick, S., 2011, Greendale Fault investigation of surface rupture characteristics for fault avoidance zonation.GNS Science Consultancy report 2011-121, Environment Canterbury report R11/25.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Fault complexity/avoidance zones for the Greendale Fault, based on the Greendale Fault traces dataset mapped after the Greendale Fault rupture in the September 2010 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake. Areas are mapped as either well-defined, distributed or uncertain deformation, as outlined in the accompanying report. At the time of the report the best estimate of recurrence interval class (long term average time between earthquakes) for the Greendale Fault was RI Class V (5,000-10,000 years). Subsequent research by Hornblow et al (2014) has placed the recurrence interval class into RI Class VI (10,000-20,000 years).Accompanying report is Villamor, P., Barrell, D., Litchfield, N., Van Dissen, R., Hornblow, S. and Levick, S., 2011, Greendale Fault investigation of surface rupture characteristics for fault avoidance zonation.GNS Science Consultancy report 2011-121, Environment Canterbury report R11/25.See also Hornblow, et al, 2014, Paleoseismology of the 2010 Mw7.1 Darfield (Canterbury) earthquake source, Greendale Fault, New Zealand.Tectonophysics 637:178-190.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Name: Ostler Fault Zone active fault lines and fold axes 2010
Display Field: ACCURACY
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: Location of fault traces and fold axes that form part of the Ostler Fault Zone. The southern part of the dataset ('Ruataniwha') was mapped with hand held and differential GPS in 2005, the northern part of the dataset ('Twizel') was mapped using aerial photos in 2010.Accompanying report is Barrell, D.J.A., 2010, Assessment of active fault and fold hazards in the Twizel area, Mackenzie District, South Canterbury. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2010/040. Environment Canterbury report R10/25 (Figures 2 and 3).
Copyright Text: Mapping by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2005 and 2010.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: TYPE, length: 16
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Interpretation of the extent and nature of pre-existing fault-related ground deformation associated with the Ostler Fault Zone near Twizel (east of the Pukaki Canal), and adjacent areas that show no indication of deformation. The southern part of the dataset ('Ruataniwha') was mapped with hand held and differential GPS in 2005, the northern part of the dataset ('Twizel') was mapped using aerial photos in 2010.Accompanying report is Barrell, D.J.A., 2010, Assessment of active fault and fold hazards in the Twizel area, Mackenzie District, South Canterbury. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2010/040. Environment Canterbury report R10/25 (Figure 2).
Copyright Text: Drawn by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2005 and 2010.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Interpretation of the extent and nature of pre-existing fault-related ground deformation associated with the Ostler Fault Zone near Twizel (east of the Pukaki Canal), and adjacent areas that show no indication of deformation.The dataset is derived from the Ostler Fault Zone ground deformation dataset.Accompanying report is Barrell, D.J.A., 2010, Assessment of active fault and fold hazards in the Twizel area, Mackenzie District, South Canterbury. GNS Science Consultancy Report 2010/040. Environment Canterbury report R10/25 (Figure 3).
Copyright Text: Drawn by D.J.A. Barrell, GNS Science, 2010.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Name: Ostler Fault Hazard Area in Mackenzie District Plan 2011
Display Field: Id
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: The Ostler Fault Hazard Area as shown in the Mackenzie District Plan. The Ostler Fault Hazard Area includes the 'well defined deformation' and 'distributed deformation' areas from the Ostler Fault Zone fault complexity 2010 dataset, with a 100 metre buffer on the upthrown side of these areas and a 50 metre buffer on the downthrown side, as well as the 'uncertain deformation - constrained' areas from the Ostler Fault Zone fault complexity 2010 dataset. The buffer is wider on the upthrown side of the fault, as more ground deformation is seen on the upthrown sides of faults, compared to the downthrown side. The 'uncertain deformation - constrained' area was included in the Ostler Fault Hazard Area because two 'well defined' and 'distributed' areas 'disappear' into this area, meaning that the fault traces could continue under this area.Mackenzie District Council has placed restrictions on development in the Ostler Fault Hazard Area as outlined in the Mackenzie District Plan (Plan Change 15 and Variation 1 to Plan Change 13). ContactMackenzie District Council for requirements for development in this area.
Copyright Text: Drawn by Helen Grant, Environment Canterbury, 2010.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: SOURCECODE, length: 6
, Coded Values:
[NZMSGR: Derived from a NZMS 260 Grid Reference.]
, [NZTMGR: Derived from a NZTM Grid Reference]
, [GPS: Direct input from a GPS device]
, ...3 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: QARCODE
, Coded Values:
[1: Differential GPS (advanced) or Geodetic Land Survey.]
, [2: Standard handheld GPS OR accurate location sketch, confirmed by GIS.]
, [3: Site visit OR dillers GPS OR checked location sketch using GIS.]
, ...4 more...
Description: Ostler Fault Hazard Area for the Mackenzie District Plan. This revised version of the Ostler Fault Hazard Area replaces the Ostler Fault Hazard Area developed for the Mackenzie District Plan in 2010. The Ostler Fault Hazard Area is the area potentially at risk of surface fault rupture (breaking and buckling of the ground) associated with an earthquake on the Ostler Fault. Surface fault rupture only affects a narrow zone tens of metres wide along the fault. It is a different hazard from earthquake shaking, which would affect a much wider area.The hazard area has been derived by placing buffers around the mapped 'distributed' and 'well-defined' fault deformation associated with the Ostler Fault. A 35 metre buffer was placed either side of the Haybarn strands of the Ostler Fault, on the western side of the Pukaki Canal. A 50 metre buffer was placed on the downthrown side of the Ruataniwha strands of the Ostler Fault on the eastern and northern side of the Pukaki Canal, and a 100 metre buffer on the upthrown side. This additional buffer width is to take account of the more complex deformation associated with the Ruataniwha strand, and the greater likelihood of deformation on the upthrown side of fault strands than the downthrown.Accompanying report is Jack, H., 2023, Revised Ostler Fault mapping for the Mackenzie District Plan.Environment Canterbury science report.
Copyright Text: Drawn by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, August 2023. Peer reviewed by David Barrell, GNS Science, August 2023.
Description: This dataset shows ground deformation associated with the Ostler Fault at Twizel. The accompanying report is Jack, H., 2023, Revised Ostler Fault mapping for the Mackenzie District Plan, Environment Canterbury report available on the Environment Canterbury website deformation, or fault complexity, is defined as 'well-defined' where there is a distinct fault scarp and 'distributed' where the deformation is distributed over a wider area.Mapping was undertaken from lidar at 1:2,000, and drew on past work of Barrell (2010) (for Mackenzie District Council Variation 1 to Plan Change 13) and Barrell (2008, 2009, 2017, 2019 and 2022) undertaken for subdivision consent applications.
Copyright Text: Created by Helen Jack, Environment Canterbury, August 2023. Peer reviewed by David Barrell, GNS Science, August 2023